Miscellaneous musings.
Rico2929's Articles In Current Events
July 2, 2007 by Rico Gregg
I've been hearing them since November of 1963, the year I turned 13: (fill in the blank) killed John F. Kennedy. Ditto Robert Kennedy & Martin Luther King. The moon landings were all faked. Watergate was an attempt by Nixon to become permanent dictator. Elvis Presley is alive. The government had John Lennon murdered. The government has covered up UFO landings and alien contact. Haliburton, the CIA, major corporate interests, the oil companies, and the Bush family (take your...
June 22, 2007 by Rico Gregg
I'm not going to try to stir up a hornet's nest with the subject of illegal immigration. There are good, well meaning people on both sides of this time bomb issue. The people who could be labeled "bleeding hearts" are trying to help poor, uneducated people reach the desirable dream of a better life in "el Norte." Groups like the Minutemen, as misguided as they might be, are passionate and truly care about their country. It's an issue that is volatile, and there are no easy answers to solve...